Improve Your Mental and Physical Health With Spiritual Books

Reading spiritual books can help you transform your life spiritually. The knowledge you obtain from these books will help you to make wise investments with time and money. Here are some spiritual books that promote positive thinking and nourish your soul.

Metahuman – Deepak Chopra

In this book, New York Times top-selling author Deepack unlocks the secrets to going beyond your present limitations when you want to access something that people think is impossible. You do this by becoming a human with superpowers – metahuman. The storyline includes medicine that will you uncover your true worth. Also, you will get an opportunity to identify your goals and chase after them. Deepak goes ahead and debunks the myths that characterize humans as machines for working.

Celestine Prophecy – James Redfield

Published in 1993, Celestine Prophecy is an adventure novel that talks about different types of spiritual and psychological ideas rooted in New Age spirituality and numerous ancient Eastern traditions. Celestine Prophecy is considered the best selling novel ever published. James talks about a character who discovers nine spiritual insights and twists the plot of the story to make it cornier.

The Power of Now – Eckhart Tolle

Eckhart Tolle wrote this book intending to recognize how people are stressed about the future that has not yet occurred. The main moral of the story is that we should prepare our minds to expect anything. In turn, this reduces the chances of anxiety or getting depressed.

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How you can give positive criticism

No matter how positive an outlook someone may have, none of us are very good at taking criticism. Even if it is well-meaning, having your faults pointed out can immediately trigger defensive instincts and we end up feeling antagonism towards the person rather than listening to and focussing on the points they are making.

However, when it comes to criticism, there are ways to be constructive and helpful without making an enemy of someone. Here are some ways you can make your feedback more constructive.

Begin with praise

You can get off on the right foot by providing some positive feedback. You may still intend to point out faults, but pointing out what a person has done well will not only cushion the blow, it will let them know that they are at least on the right track.

Avoid the ‘but’

When you are doling out praise, the recipient may understandable be waiting for the ‘but’ and the kick pivot into negative criticism. How you couch those negative comments is important. So, by saying something like ‘you have done a great job on the plot in this short story and your characterization will improve the more you write’. Replacing ‘but’ with ‘and’ allows you to point out a problem, but do so in a positive manner, giving the person the confidence that they can improve on those areas which need more work.

Reinforce improvements and set targets for them

Operate on the assumption that the person is capable of making the improvements they need and set that as a goal for them to achieve. Convince them that they are already the person who has achieved the sort of improvement you are suggesting and they’ll have something to aim for.

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Three tips to help you spring clean

When it comes to the start of the year, spring cleaning is one thing that most people start to think of. But sometimes it can be hard to know where to start or even the best way to go about spring cleaning. So here are three tips to help you spring clean.

Happy woman cleaning home with mop and having fun

Work down

If you have no other plan of how to clean, then start at the top and work down. You don’t have to clean everything in one super cleaning marathon, but doing a room at a time will help get things done. If you don’t live in a house with two storeys or you live in a flat, then start with the bedroom and work from one side of the house to the other.

Be Ruthless

When you are clearing through everything, get rid of as much stuff as possible. Get rid of anything that is just taking up space. If you are struggling to know what to get rid of, then use the six months rule. If you haven’t used it in six months, it doesn’t have a sentimental value and it isn’t something that is used for special occasions, then it’s time to send it to the thrift store.

Housewife holding basket with cleaning equipment

All the fabrics

When you are spring cleaning don’t forget about all the fabrics. Carpets, cushions, rugs, curtains, bedding, sofas and chairs, all of these things need to be cleaned. Some of these things need to be dry cleaned, other can be thrown in the laundry, some need to be steam cleaned, but don’t forget to get those things cleaned.

For more tips to help you organise your life, check out where we have more helpful guides and self-help information.

How to Get The Life You Want

There may be times when you’re a bit envious of what others have, and how their life is working out. While it’s rare to be able to have everything you desire, there are ways to achieve more of the things that matter. A positive mindset is the key to getting the life you want; here are a few more tips which could help you reach your goals more easily.

Focus on the journey, not the destination

It can be demotivating when you hit a hurdle and your plans aren’t working out. However, if you switch your focus to the journey rather than the end result, you will be far less likely to get frustrated at the lack of progress. Take your time and enjoy your experiences along the way and you’ll achieve a far greater sense of satisfaction.

Challenge yourself

It’s easy to wait for the perfect set of circumstances to arise to take action but in most cases, this is nothing more than procrastination. Don’t delay, challenge yourself to just go for it, no matter what.

Don’t burn out

While it’s important to push and challenge yourself, everyone needs a break from time to time. If you go at it too hard, you’ll end up breaking – and then you’ll never achieve what you set out to do. Rest and relaxation aren’t optional extras, they should be part of your schedule to help you operate at your maximum potential.

Rely on yourself, no-one else

Whether it’s your family, partner or boss, you might find you have lots of offers of support. While these are lovely and can give you a boost, don’t rely on them entirely to get the job done. They will have their own personal goals and priorities and at times, might not deliver on what they’ve promised. Accept help along the way, but make sure the only person you’re really relying on is yourself and you’re far less likely to hit any hitches.

To get more inspiration about leading the life you want, check out the online library of titles at Exhilarating, entertaining and uplifting, there are lots of books available which can help you zone in on what you really want out of life.